Yandere Simulator Fanon Wikia

The name of this blog post somewhat explains what I want to say. Crystal is saying how RedAndSymmetry is "unapproachable", but all the other admins are way worse. You can't say anything about them without a ban thread being made for you. I'm considering closing my application because of this; I don't want to be put into their mood and have them change who I am, and be punished (demotion) for being honest with my opinions.

And it's not just the staff who are scary. It's everyone, nearly. Any one of them can start a ban petition for you at any time, and any one (the two qualifies) can support without you even knowing.

And this wiki is already in a bad place. You're demoting Red and Pistachio because they said something against and admin, and it's actually passing.

This scares me. You people are literally impossible to talk to without going on the defensive and then trying to demote or ban you. You demote the people for being immaturely, but the real reason you're banning them is because you're immature, and you're not even realizing it. That's scary.
